Triscuit Home Farming 
Building a brand. Starting a movement. 
Kraft Foods' brand Triscuit partnered with the nonprofit group Urban Farming, to create 50 community-based home farms and ignited the movement of urban gardening across the country.
A short video about the home farming movement.
website hub
The website was built with several modules, including a tool advising home farmers which vegetables and herbs were best to plant. The site also featured advice on planting dates based upon zip code as well as the amount of sunny space available to them.
Another module enabled users to find nearby community farms, and add their own home farms to a map. Lastly there was a vibrant forum for sharing experiences and info amongst the home farmers nationwide. 
banners / driving traffic to Home
"Recipe Gardens"
Animated farm patch showing three recipes and the corresponding plants to make the dish.
Call to action lead to recipe section at
"Questions & Answers"
Animated Question and answer banners that lead to the forum on
"IP Address Zoom In”
 This banner was coded to zoom in on your actual location by state and show the urban farms nearby.